About Us

African Americans and the Great Wars at Our Mobile History Museum

About Us

“Our mission is to educate about how people of color have fought, sacrificed, and struggled for freedom, equality, and justice for all while serving during wartime and in Peace” 

Our mobile history museum travels throughout the country sharing and educating to all those who want to listen and learn about the roles that people of color played while serving in the arm forces, around the world. 

Find out how you can have us come to you for a visit by calling (773) 968-9072.

The concept of History On Wheels

History On Wheels, or H.O.W?, is a mobile museum. This mobile museum allows our team to share our passion for history with everyone and not be limited to any geographic location. History On Wheels primary focus is to highlight the role that African American men played during wartime. 

About History On Wheels Founder - Luther E. Johnson Jr.

The idea for History On Wheels was conceived by Luther E. Johnson Jr. and a friend of his. Luther was born in Chicago and raised on the west side of Chicago and in Shreveport, LA. He currently resides in Joliet, IL. He fell in love with history at the very early age of 10. His mother bought him the Time Life magazine series of the Civil War. From there he became an avid reader on the topic and his love for it has been a big part of his life ever since. Luther has been featured in several documentaries, movies, and publications: The 370th Fighting on Both Fronts, When to Die, and The 24TH Infantry. Often found acting and speaking about the roles that African American men have played in history while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. 

Meet the Board 

Call (773) 968-9072 to learn more about African American history.

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